Creating a Unix Executable with Google's Gemini

The prompt went like this,

Write a unix shell executable for mac which lives in a directory alongside images with .jpg extensions. The executable creates a markdown file named with an element for every image in the directory. The alt text for each image is the filename + " film photo from Unsplash". Each image element in the markdown document has a file path of "/static/img/geminiTest/" prepended. For example, the output for one image in the markdown document will look like: ![sample.jpg film photo from Unsplash](/static/img/geminiTest/sample.jpg)

To which Gemini replied,


# Create the markdown file
echo >

# Find all .jpg files in the current directory
for filename in *.jpg; do
  # Construct the markdown image element
  alt_text="${filename} film photo from Unsplash"

  # Append the element to the markdown file
  echo $markdown_element >>

After saving the script, making it executable, and plopping the files into the same directory,

![annie-spratt-6wd1f4Zjo_0-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash](/static/img/geminiTest/annie-spratt-6wd1f4Zjo_0-unsplash.jpg)
![annie-spratt-BSNEY967eI0-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash](/static/img/geminiTest/annie-spratt-BSNEY967eI0-unsplash.jpg)
![annie-spratt-f_q-PzGyf1U-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash](/static/img/geminiTest/annie-spratt-f_q-PzGyf1U-unsplash.jpg)
![kevin-laminto-tqvzVI_2XK4-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash](/static/img/geminiTest/kevin-laminto-tqvzVI_2XK4-unsplash.jpg)
![lawrence-chismorie-zvWXn5c3H7o-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash](/static/img/geminiTest/lawrence-chismorie-zvWXn5c3H7o-unsplash.jpg)
![waldemar-mad-9SN77B5_grY-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash](/static/img/geminiTest/waldemar-mad-9SN77B5_grY-unsplash.jpg)

annie-spratt-6wd1f4Zjo_0-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash annie-spratt-BSNEY967eI0-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash annie-spratt-f_q-PzGyf1U-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash kevin-laminto-tqvzVI_2XK4-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash lawrence-chismorie-zvWXn5c3H7o-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash waldemar-mad-9SN77B5_grY-unsplash.jpg film photo from Unsplash

Feel free to get in touch with any questions.